Saturday 1 June 2024

Shiledarache iman (शिलेदाराचं इमान) by Anant Tibile

"Shiledarache iman (शिलेदाराचं इमान)" by Anant Tibile -Historical fiction!

This book is published by Riya publications in 2013 and has 200 pages. 

Pre-Shivaji period. Yavan riders raid a village, kill all men, rape and then kill all women. They spare Sirajmiya, a fakir, because he is from their faith. A four year boy, Kedar Shelar, survives. Sirajmiya is a good guy loved by all despite being from a different religion. He adopts Kedar and makes him a good man who has ambition to fight against injustice. He gets weapons training from Hambirrao. One day grown up Kedar meets Shivaji raje and his life now has a purpose.

What will Kedar do for Surajya? Is thereA love triangle? What sacrifice will Kedar make?

It’s a historical fiction. Although it happens during periods of Shivaji and Kedar works for Shivaji, it’s not the story of Shivaji, it’s of Kedar. He is an ideal man. Handsome, well built, agile, expert in disguise, has command over all weapons, is intelligent and loyal. Sirajmiya (Chacha) is a good soul. He doesn’t agree with violence on the name of religion promoted by his fellow yavans. He raises Kedar as a Hindu. Makes him a good man. Hambir Rao is an ex soldier who lost both his sons in battle that broke him. Now he gives weapons training to young kids. Manjula is Hambir’s grand daughter. She and Kedar are in love. Salma is daughter of a local rich guy. She is also sweet in Kedar and thinks he is Muslim. Her character is a little underdeveloped. 

It’s a good story. It slows down a little bit in the middle but corrects the course. The involvement of Kedar in Historical incidences like take over of Panhala, attempt to win Miraj etc makes things interesting. 

There are some errors in the book like calling kaka instead of Chacha and Vice versa, some grammatical errors etc. Nothing that could not have been fixed. 

It’s an interesting book. If you like historical fiction, this book is for you.

Why did I read this book? I had purchased it long time ago.
What did I like? Concept. 
What I didn't like? Errors as mentioned above.  

Recommend reading.

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