Saturday 1 June 2024

Death benefit by Robin Cook

"Death benefit" by Robin Cook - Start of medical thriller series !

This book is published by Pan Macmillan India in 2019 and has 502 pages. This is Book 1 of Pia Grazdani series. 

Pia Grazdani is a third year medical student. Brilliant, exceptionally gorgeous. She has difficult childhood. She is assisting a difficult professor with stem cell research. Edmond and Russell’s company buys life insurance policies from patients. Jerry Trotter and Higgins run a hedge fund that doesn’t always play by the books. Another hedge fund manager is predicting a big fall and is shorting.

What will Dr. Rothman’s research achieve? What will Edmond do? Who can contain fiery Pia? What is the Albanian connection? Why are there murders and why do they look natural?

Pia is brilliant, beautiful but aloof. Her difficult childhood from one foster care to another and abuse have scarred her. George is her only friend. He is handsome and studies with her. He has feelings for Pia, but she doesn’t have feelings for anyone. Edmond and Russell are hard nosed businessmen, here to make money. Dr. Rothman is a Nobel winning researcher nobody likes but everyone tolerates because of his brilliance. Dr. Yamamoto is his assistant and the one who smooths the ruffled feathers. 

The novel is centered around Pia. This is the first of the series of Pia Grazdani novels. She is someone who you can’t help liking despite her numerous flaws. You also feel for George who can get any girl but has eyes only for Pia.

The idea of the murders is borrowed from a real life murder of an ex KGB spy in London. It’s not original. But the Albanian connection makes the matter interesting. It also makes Pia vulnerable. 

End of the book is a little bit anticlimactic and abrupt. It doesn’t take the graph to the pique. 

It’s a good start. Hopefully subsequent books are to the expectations. 

Why did I read this book? Medical thriller. New series. 
What I didn't like? Abrupt end. 
What did I like? Pia.

Recommend reading.

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