Wednesday 26 December 2018

The India spy by J. S. Monroe

"The India spy" by J. S. Monroe writing as John Stock - Is it possible?
This book is published by Head of Zeus in 2018 and has 225 pages. 

Raj, a doctor of Indian origin from Edinburgh, is recruited by MI6 (British intelligence) and sent to Delhi, India. He makes a few friends in Delhi and meets Priyanka. He is starting to enjoy stay in India when he is sent to Cochin to check health of Macaulay. Here he gets inkling of something sinister,  something secret. 

Why was Raj sent to Cochin? What does he discover there? Who does he reconnect with? Who is Macaulay? Is IPI still active? What is Cardamom club?

The book is divided in three parts. First part is the build-up or preamble and is light,  second part brings the subject on anvil and it starts getting serious,  third part is where all the action takes place. 
The book is based on the idea that some Britishers could not digest that India has gained independence,  that she has made progress,  that she is now equal to Great Briton; even better in some aspects. They are still spinning stories, presenting India in a backward, derogatory way to outside world and are ready to go to any extreme to make it happen. They are against the notion of developed India. How does Britain, a first world country, look at India, a third world country? Do they want India to be known as a regressive,  undeserving nation with snake charmers, elephants, human sacrifices and Sati?

The book also raises two pertinent question. First: Has the British society accepted the migrated Indians and subsequent generations as their own? Are non whites born in Britain still considered outsiders or second class or second choice?

Second: You can take a person out of India, but can you take India out of a person?

Author has created a good story but the climax is not very good. The final act spoils the mood but author makes his point emphatically to conclude the story. 

Author deserves praise for describing India and life around the protagonist in great detail. His keen observation,  the inputs he got and his ability to catch the pulse of India is commendable. Author has captured sights and sounds of India precisely. He sees the county through the eyes of someone who is a foreigner but has roots here. One can't make out from his writings that the author is not an Indian. 
Author,  Jon Stock Monroe or JS Monroe, has worked as foreign correspondent in Delhi. 

Why did I read this book? Blurb.
What I didn't like? Sudden departure of antagonist
What did I like? Sights and sounds of India. 

Read if this review interests you. 

Monday 24 December 2018

The busy manager's guide to delegation by Richard A. Luecke and Perry McIntosh

"The busy manager's guide to delegation" by Richard A. Luecke and Perry McIntosh-  All about delegation!
This book is published by Amacom in 2009 and has 100 pages. 

Book summary:
Delegation is a process through which managers and supervisors assign formal authority, responsibility, and accountability for work activities to subordinates. 

Delegation is important because it addresses manager's problem of too much to do and too little time, develops competencies of subordinates, reveals capacities and shortcomings of subordinates. Authors warn that failure to develop subordinates may cost you a promotion. 

Determine which task to delegate. Ask yourself what tasks are you now doing that do not require your unique knowledge, skills or authority? Identify entire tasks, not bits and pieces of job. Delegate recurring tasks, rather than onetime chore. Ensure that segregated tasks are not quality critical, to allow for learning curve. Tasks that should never be delegated are hiring, performance review, firing, disciplinary actions and certain tasks delegated to you by someone else. 

Identify the right person for the job. The delegatee should have time available, interest in task, capability and reliability, closeness to the issue, potential to benefit from assignment. Beware the person who can't say no. Ensure you spread the work, don't delegate to same employee. Best to delegate to the person closest to the problem. 

Assign the task. Ensure that the delegatee knows what you want, understands how to do the task, understands how it fits into larger picture, is given authority and resources, is motivated and formally accepts responsibility. Motivators for the delegatee are money, recognition, empowerment and ownership. The more ambiguous the situation, the greater decision-making authority and flexibility needs to be given. Be more specific about outcomes than means. Agree on deliverables and deadlines. 

Monitor progress and provide feedback. Agree and monitor checkpoints. Monitor but don't micromanage. Effective feedback is descriptive - not judgmental, focuses on modifiable behaviour, specific, well timed, works in both directions. Ensure you avoid taking too much and listening too little. Never take back the delegated task. 

Evaluate performance. Fact based evaluation will indicate delegatee's strengths and weaknesses, training and development needs, types of assignments that should be delegated. Evaluation should be based on facts, not hearsay. Evaluation should address primarily completeness, timelines and quality. Secondarily it can address adaptability, effective use of resources, ability to prioritize, self-motivation, initiative and creativity, collaboration, communication, problem solving, leading without authority and professionalism. 

Typical delegation problems are resistance, need to run to the boss, biting off more than can be chewed, inability to effectively collaborate, inability to take charge, miscommunication and inability to handle the job. 
End of book summary. 

At the end of this Book authors have given five-day shape-up plan. This is basically a form to be filled before and after delegation. 

Authors have provided open book quiz at the end of each chapter. Answers to this quiz pretty much sums up the essence of that chapter. 

Authors have made their point in simple language and by giving examples. This helps in clarifying things. The examples they use for making their point are simplistic in nature. In real life, the situation a manager faces, is more complex.

Importance of delegation can't be over emphasized. Delegation is essential for the growth of individual and organization. If you see delegation steps outlined by the authors, they are very similar to Project Management knowledge areas or PDCA cycle. It's applied to a specific activity of delegation. 

Why did I read this book? Was on my wishlist. 
What I didn't like? Simple examples.
What did I like? Easy language and comprehensiveness.

Recommend reading. 

The Fix by David Baldacci

"The Fix" by David Baldacci - Memory man continues!
This book is published by Macmillan in 2017 and has 432 pages. This is Book 3 of Amos Decker series. 

Walter Dabney, a defence contractor,  kills a replacement school treachery in front of Hoover building in day light and then kills himself. Amos Decker witnesses it. FBI team consisting of Amos Decker (The man who doesn't forget anything), Alex Jamison, Milligan, Agent Harper Brown, Melwin Mars and led by Special agent Bogart is on the case.

Why did a defence contractor kill a replacement school teacher? How come this school teacher afford a posh condo? Why did he kill her in front of Hoover building? Can Decker get to the bottom of it?
The story is slow,  sometimes too slow. Even if you miss middle 100 pages or so,  you don't miss much. Author could have made it crispy by doing away with a few pages. 

As the story develops,  the implications become bigger and bigger. The climax is expected to be very exciting but it isn't. It concludes quickly and disappoints. 

This author also uses Russian angle. Russia's ambitions of becoming global power have given a lot of fodder to fiction writers and Russia is now, again, the new enemy number one. 

Decker is special due to an accident that induced Synesthisia (He sees moods as colours) and Hyperthymesia (He doesn't forget anything) but that also made him less social. So despite his brilliance, he is difficult to work with and the team has to bear with him. 

Why did I read this book? Have read 1st and 2nd books.
What I didn't like? Pace.
What did I like? Not much.

Give it a miss.

Friday 21 December 2018

Develop your leadership skills by John Adair

"Develop your leadership skills" by John Adair-  Leadership decoded!
This book is published by Kogan Page in 2007 and has 144 pages.

Book summary:
Author cautions in the introduction that nobody can teach you leadership, it's something you have to learn. You don't have to be a born leader, you can learn.

You should possess, exemplify and perhaps even personify the qualities expected or required in your working group. The generic qualities of leader are Enthusiasm,  Integrity,  Toughness,  Fairness,  Warmth, Humility and Confidence. Then there may be qualities required for a particular situation or job.  There are four types of authorities: position,  knowledge, personality and moral. A leader needs a blend of all of them. In matters involving leadership there are three variables: the leader,  the situation and the group. Once the group comes together a group personality is formed. This group has following kind of needs: Task needs, Team maintenance needs and Individual needs. You can learn these functions by practice, study, experience and reflection. 

The task of an individual and team should be clear, concrete, time limited, realistic, challenging and capable of evaluation.  Planning requires that the what, why, when, how, where and who questions are answered. Briefing is effective communication skill. One has to be prepared,  clear, simple, vivid, natural. One should also listen. Controlling is ensuring all the energy and resources of team are making things happen. Management implies efficient use of resources as well as their effective use. High performance team has clear realistic objectives, shared sense of purpose, best use of resources, atmosphere of openness, handles failure, rides out the storms. A leader should motivate by understanding inner needs in individuals and how they operate. Key principles of motivating others are: be motivated yourself, select people who are highly motivated, set realistic and challenging targets, remember that progress motivates, provide fair rewards, give recognition. Good leaders respect and work through the systems but they are not bound by them. Leader needs to delegate part of administration so that she has time to think and lead. Administering that scarce resource, your own time, is the priority for any leader. Humility is rarest of all qualities in a leader. 
Be prepared, door into leadership has 'Confidence' written upon it. Experience is a compost heap of success and failures. Be proactive and reflective. Take a 'helicopter view' from time to time. Never let it be said of you what the Roman historian Tacitus once wrote of Emperor Galba: 'No one would have doubted his ability to reign had he never been emperor.'

To be a strategic leader you will need awareness, understanding, skill and personal qualities like enthusiasm, Integrity, Fairness, Toughness, Calmness, Humanity, Resilience, Prudence and Humility. You also need to be able to think clearly and reason cogently. Sir Terry Leahy, CEO of Tesco says 'There is a simple recipe for leadership: to find out the truth of situation, paint a picture of where you want to get to,  make a plan and go and do it. 

Leadership key to achieving sustainable business success is to have excellence in leadership at three levels: team, operational and strategic. Leadership development strategy should have importance, long term and multi factored. 

End of book summary. 

In the qualities of strategic leader, vision remains conspicuous by absence. Author also does not speak about Charisma being an important ingredient in leadership. He touches the topic of feedback but does not elaborate it.

Author has provided checklists at the end of topic  to assess the readiness and ability of the reader.  In the appendix of this Book, author has provided a Leadership Checklist. This is a comprehensive checklist that every leader should review regularly to ensure that she is on the right path. He also promotes his other books in the 'Further reading' section. 

Author uses international proverbs, strategically,  to make his point. The proverbs are good and they are used very appropriately. I have listed them here for the readers of my blog. 
Chinese: What does it matter if the cat is black or white,  as long as it catches mice. 
Zulu: I cannot hear what you are saying to me because you are shouting at me. 
Japanese: A manager will take 6 months to get to know his staff, but they will take only 6 days to get to know him. 
Chinese by Lao Tzu: A leader is best when people barely know he exists. 
Hungarian: You cannot put into yourself what God has not put there. 
Chinese: It is very easy to find thousand soldiers but difficult to find a general. 

This is a good book by John Adair. It's not a one time read. A leader should read it at regular intervals as he progresses in his career to ensure that he is doing what his current position demands and he is doing it right. It's a useful book. 

The Sunday Times has called John Adair, the first professor of leadership studies in the world. 

Why did I read this book? Was on my wishlist for long time. 
What I didn't like? Nothing.
What did I like? Author guides, does not preach.

 Recommend reading. 

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Aru Shah and the end of time by Roshani Chokshi

""Aru Shah and the end of time" by Roshani Chokshi - Why Roshani why?

This book is published by Scholastic in 2018 and has 320 pages. This is Book 1 of 'A Pandava novel' series. 

Aru Shah, a seventh grader girl of Indian origin,  stays in Atlanta with her mother who is curator of a museum of ancient Indian artefacts. She studies in an expensive school for rich kids and to hide her "poverty" spins tall tales. One day her classmates (Ariel, Poppy, Burt) dare her to light a cursed lamp in the museum. Outs said that this lamp will awaken the sleeper who will invoke Shiva, the God of destruction and that will be the end of time. It's the duty of reincarnated Pandavas to save the world. 

Who is the sleeper? How can he invoke Shiva? Can he be stopped? How far is his reach? Who is Subala or Boo? Why is it the duty of Pandavas? Can Aru and Mini save the world? 

So Aru is a reincarnated Pandav, a demigod. The sleeper has awaken and he can stop time. Vehicles (mounts) of Gods have gone missing. Council of guardian's (Urvashi, Hanuman, Jambuvant, Subala  etc.) gives Aru and Mini a quest. With Boo as their guide, they have to succeed in the quest. 

Author uses 'Palace of Illusions' of Pandav's to good effect. The idea is brilliant. We will encounter the Palace in subsequent books. For a change it's an all female demigod cast. Pandavas are reincarnated as girls. But there are only two of them. It's a welcome change.

Author has developed the story nicely using Hindu mythology as the base. Hindu mythology is rich and has a lot of variety and ideas. But, rather than using this opportunity to create a unique and original story, author chooses to be the pale imitation of Rick Riordan. She has simply used his ideas and style of narration,  put it into Indian context (Rather in the context of Indians who don't reside in India - NRIs) and presented it to us. There are too many similarities in the Rick Riordan authored Percy Jackson series and this book. There is claiming of the child by Gods, there is quest, time runs differently in mortal world and other worlds, Council of guardians watches 'Game of Thrones', Valmiki wears glasses, bright shirt and uses typewriter, powerful Seasons take selfies and have Instagram account, Seasons have their shop in Costco, Gods and Godly beings wear t-shirts with something written on it etc. Why did Roshani do this? She had enough material to create an original but she missed the opportunity. Why Roshani why?

The danger is averted but it's not over. The fight will continue. Other Pandavas will join in subsequent books of this series. 

This book has a blazing colourful cover. The name appears to be innocuous initially,  but it includes the action of hero (or heroine as Mini would put it) and villain. 

Why did I read this book? Blurb, Goodreads rating.
What I didn't like? Imitation. 
What did I like?  Use of mythology.  

I would recommend my daughter to read. 

Thursday 13 December 2018

Shadow tyrants by Clive Cussler

"Shadow tyrants" by Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison-  Ashoka's nine unknowns!

This book is published by Michael Joseph in 2018 and has 480 pages. This is Book 13 of The Oregon Files.

A freight ship launches missile on America's Diego Garcia base in Indian ocean. Ashoka's Nine Unknowns exist. There is a traitor in the Nine Unknowns. Project Colossus will shift the balance of power. Vajra can render the electronics useless in the target zone. The corporation has to fight on multiple fronts. 

What is Project Colossus? What is Vajra? What is the aim of Nine Unknowns? Who is the traitor? Can The corporation save the day?

In ancient India, Ashoka the great was distraught after winning a war of Kalinga and realised that the knowledge in his possession, if fallen in wrong hands,  can be devastating. So he called nine persons and gave them scrolls containing nine areas of knowledge and asked them to save it from the world. Their descendents carried the tradition forward for more than 2000 years. This secret society was known as The Nine Unknowns. This is probably worlds oldest secret society. 

The story is interesting as all Clive Cussler stories are. Authors have churned out another thriller with the fantastic idea of Oregon, the spy ship. Those who have read the series and those who haven't will remain attracted to the book till they complete it. There are no new characters introduced that will continue in subsequent books. 

Oregon, Spy ship disguised as tramp steamer and it's occupants led by Juan Cabrillo are The Corporation. The Corporation takes assignments,  mainly for CIA, and carries out the assignments with a combination of deception,  technology,  courage, planning and creativity. 
So what's new in the book? The team splits up for separate assignments thrice in this book. There is a gun fight onboard Airbus A380 plane in air.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the next big thing. What can AI do and what are the consequences of empowering AI when it reaches singularity? Singularity means it becomes conscious and able to improve itself thereby becoming independent. So is AI boon or bane? This subject was explored by Dan Brown in his book Origin recently. This book also addresses the subject.
This story has Vajra, a tool to render all the electronics in the world useless. This will bring the humanity back to old age, billions of people will die of starvation. Similar concept on a smaller scale (a country instead of world) was used by Bill Clinton and James Patterson in their book 'President is missing.

Apparently these two topics have caught the imagination of fiction writers. Over time,  fictions tend to become reality. Is this what humanity will be staring at in future?

There are numerous fictions by Indian authors about Nine Unknowns. Despite this being the oldest secret society legend, it had not drawn attention of international authors. I was wondering how long will it take?

Why did I read this book? Author and series
What I didn't like? End of Nine Unknowns.
What did I like? AI and No computers idea.

 Recommend reading. 

Monday 10 December 2018

Sitanshu by Anita Shirodkar

"Sitanshu" by Anita Shirodkar -  The blue theme continues!

This book wash published by The Write Place in 2018 and has 330 pages. This is Book 2 of 'The guardians of the blue lotus' trilogy.

Jabali's kidnap king Chiraksh's grandson. Eshan & Ishwari land in Jabali temple. Chandraketu's have declared war. Aryavir is assigned the task of waking Keshkuta warriors before time. Sitanshu meets a semi senile man asking for help. Indivara had sprouted a red petal. Arrival of Padmaketu is around the corner.  Maharshi council decides to make an appearance. 

Can Sitanshu find his mother? Are Jabali's savages? How will Keshkuta's be impacted after waking early? Will Rewa meet Aryavir? Will Padmaketu strike Aryavir? What is Sitanshu's destiny?

The story picks up from where it left. Here unlike Book 1, although the story is fast,  it does not appear as if author had run out of page space. Author manages to keep the readers very interested. Murchit dravya, the huge bird,  kaalastra, Padmaketu etc. enhance the mysticism and allure. 

The war that was around the corner in Book 1, happens in Book 2, but the readers are in for a minor shock as that is not supposed to be the real deal. Readers get a second surprise with the arrival of Padmaketu. However,  I guessed this surprise very early. Author could not keep it under wraps very well. 

The Jabali's, who were a predominant factor in Book 1, suddenly become secondary in this book. Character of Raashan, who appeared important becomes a tertiary character. Will he even appear in next book?

Book ends at a new turn. A new danger is around the corner and this is much bigger than Chandraketus. Next book,  the final one, will address this challenge. The chosen one is the saviour. 

Author has created a new world and a fascinating story. It would be interesting to see how she completes the story in next Book. I feel she will either fall short of page space, or increase the size or look for Book 4. It's a challenge for her. 

Book 1 cover showed Indivara, the blue lotus and Aryavir. This Book cover shows Indivara with a red petal and a sword.

Why did I read this book? Liked first book. 
What I didn't like? Jabali's drop out.  
What did I like? Author's imagination. 

Recommend reading.

Monday 3 December 2018

The spear of Atlantis by Andy McDermott

"The spear of Atlantis" by Andy McDermott- Out of ideas?

This book is published by Headline in 2018 and has 576 pages. This is Book 14 of Nina Wilde, Eddie Chase series. 

Nina, Eddie, Macey and Nina's grandmother are on Ship Atlantia, on its maiden voyage, upon invitation of the Emir of Dhajan, owner of the ship. An important Atlantis artefact is stolen from the ship. Nina is accused of theft. This artefact can point to location of Atlantian spearhead, which by Nina's theory may be an antimatter bomb. If so, the spearhead contains power that will make largest atom bomb look like a fire cracker. Nina and Eddie have to prove their innocence and find the spearhead before the bad guys and save the world. 

Is Nina involved in the theft? Is there a traitor? Who is behind this? Who are the bad guys? Is the antimatter theory a fact? What can this antimatter bomb be used for? Can Nina and Eddie save the day?

This book follows the pattern of previous books. An ancient secret. No one,  but Nina, can decipher and find it. Booby traps. Many parties trying to lay hands on it. Someone wants to cause large scale destruction. Nina and Eddie in action, going solo. Lot of blood shed and deaths. The world is saved. 

Author has created a fictitious emirate squeezed between Saudi and Bahrain called Dhajan, it's Emir Fadil, his twin sister and minister of security Halula and biomedical billionaire Gideon Labato. 

Nina, as usual, finds what no one can. She continues with her characteristic of attracting danger and a lot of people dying around her. Eddie continues with his awesome and awful jokes,  especially of Titanic and Speed 2. Macey their daughter and Nina's grandmother also participate in a mission. Macey is showing inclination towards adventure. Will her Atlantian genes come into play in future books? Have Nina and Eddie acquired an assistant for future adventures in the form of the traitor?

So what's the new high octane action in this book? A chase with cruise liners  one chasing another at more than 30 knots.  Fight with and on cruise liners. Destruction of one of them. 

Author has resorted to an Atlantis artefact again. Why does he keep going back to Atlantis? Has author run out of other good ideas?

Why did I read this book?  Author.
What I didn't like? Atlantis again. Set pattern. 
What did I like? Fight on cruise liner. 

Read if you have read the series, otherwise don't bother.