Friday 14 June 2024

All the lives we never lived by Anuradha Roy

"All the lives we never lived" by Anuradha Roy - Slow!

This book is published by Hachette India in 2019 and has 344 pages.

This is the story of Mishkin Chand Rosario, son of an Anglo Indian father and Bengali mother. His mother ran off with a German in pre-independence India.

Why did she run off? How big a scandal was it in those times? Why didn’t she take her son? What becomes of her? What becomes of Mishkin?

Gayatri, daughter of Prof. Agnisen is married to his student Nek Chand, whose mother was an Anglo Indian. She is 16 years younger than her husband. They live in Muntazir town. Gayatri is a free spirited girl. She doesn’t like restrictions. She is suffocated in her household. One day she decides to escape. Her plan succeeds except one thing that haunts her for life.

Mishkin is confused as he doesn’t know why his mother leaves him. Her departure affects her irreversibly.

It’s a story of melancholy and regrets. Everything is not as it looks. The relationship between Gayatri and the German is also not what it appears.

It’s a very slow story and readers need a lot of patience to sail through. Nevertheless, it’s a curious story.

Why did I read this book? Author. 
What I didn't like? Pace.
What did I like? Character of Gayatri.

Not a must read.

Sunday 2 June 2024

10 minutes 38 seconds in this strange world by Elif Shafak

"10 minutes 38 seconds in this strange world" by Elif Shafak - It’s different!

This book is published by Penguin in 2020 and has 320 pages. 

Tequila Laila, a prostitute, is dumped in a waste bin in Istanbul. She is dead. But it is said that even when your heart stops and body dies, your brain remains active for 10 minutes and 38 seconds. In this time Laila reminisces her life.

What is Laila’s story? How does she die? Will she get a decent burial? Does her rag tag group of friends care for her? Does she have a family?

Laila has no friends other than Hollywood Humeria (a night club singer fighting depression), Nostalgia Nalan (Born male and becomes female), Zeinab 122 (a dwarf), Jameela (a weak African prostitute) and Sabotage Sinan (her timid childhood friend). Love finds its way to Laila and she gets married eventually to get back on the streets.

It’s a tragedy. However, the suffering, the injustice doesn’t break Laila’s spirit. She lives a life on her own terms, until she dies. This is when she is buried into cemetery of unknowns and her friends decide to give her a heart felt and decent burial.

It’s a very slow story but it’s also poignant. It makes you think. Credit to author for conceiving the idea and giving birth to the book.

This book was shortlisted for Booker prize.

Why did I read this book? Author. 
What I didn't like? Pace. 
What did I like? The concept. 

Recommend reading.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Pokharan by Uday Singh

"Pokharan" by Uday Singh - Boom or Fizzle?

This book is published by Bantam Press in 2012 and has 368 pages. 
Pokharan blasts in 1974. Pride for the country. But was there a fallout of the destination on the populace nearby? Chaitanya is born Quadriplegic. But he is sharp and achieves unprecedented success when he joins MIT. What can he do for his home twin Pokharan?

Why is father murdered? Why are seemingly unrelated 6 people kidnapped? What does Chaitanya want? What are the founding principals of Life, Liberty and Level playing field?

The story starts interestingly.  Readers readily connect with Chaitanya. Good journey from birth to MIT is a bit jerky. I mean the narration is jerky. Sometimes author takes his own time and on other occasions he runs through years. Nevertheless, readers remain interested because they know what happened at the end. The book is a flash back. 

But then in the last 100 pages of the book, when one expects the graph to rise and reach crescendo, it kind of fizzles out. Readers rue the missed opportunity. The anticipation that was built up dissipates. The readers ask ‘why?’

If this was the ultimate purpose, then the buildup was more of a red herring. If buildup was correct, then climax was not achieved. 

A lot of unaccounted promise. 

Why did I read this book? Title. 
What did I like? Build-up. 
What I didn't like? Fizzle. 

Give it a miss.

Shiledarache iman (शिलेदाराचं इमान) by Anant Tibile

"Shiledarache iman (शिलेदाराचं इमान)" by Anant Tibile -Historical fiction!

This book is published by Riya publications in 2013 and has 200 pages. 

Pre-Shivaji period. Yavan riders raid a village, kill all men, rape and then kill all women. They spare Sirajmiya, a fakir, because he is from their faith. A four year boy, Kedar Shelar, survives. Sirajmiya is a good guy loved by all despite being from a different religion. He adopts Kedar and makes him a good man who has ambition to fight against injustice. He gets weapons training from Hambirrao. One day grown up Kedar meets Shivaji raje and his life now has a purpose.

What will Kedar do for Surajya? Is thereA love triangle? What sacrifice will Kedar make?

It’s a historical fiction. Although it happens during periods of Shivaji and Kedar works for Shivaji, it’s not the story of Shivaji, it’s of Kedar. He is an ideal man. Handsome, well built, agile, expert in disguise, has command over all weapons, is intelligent and loyal. Sirajmiya (Chacha) is a good soul. He doesn’t agree with violence on the name of religion promoted by his fellow yavans. He raises Kedar as a Hindu. Makes him a good man. Hambir Rao is an ex soldier who lost both his sons in battle that broke him. Now he gives weapons training to young kids. Manjula is Hambir’s grand daughter. She and Kedar are in love. Salma is daughter of a local rich guy. She is also sweet in Kedar and thinks he is Muslim. Her character is a little underdeveloped. 

It’s a good story. It slows down a little bit in the middle but corrects the course. The involvement of Kedar in Historical incidences like take over of Panhala, attempt to win Miraj etc makes things interesting. 

There are some errors in the book like calling kaka instead of Chacha and Vice versa, some grammatical errors etc. Nothing that could not have been fixed. 

It’s an interesting book. If you like historical fiction, this book is for you.

Why did I read this book? I had purchased it long time ago.
What did I like? Concept. 
What I didn't like? Errors as mentioned above.  

Recommend reading.

The Matarese circle by Robert Ludlum

"The Matarese circle" by Robert Ludlum - Another Ludlum masterclass !

This book was published by Bantam in 2015 and has 576 pages. 

Russian intelligence operative Vassily Telenyikov & American intelligence operative Brandon Scofield are sworn enemies. One has killed other’s wife and the second one has killed first ones brother. Matarese circle is a deadly organization that worked for high profile jobs. All the covert agencies in the world have used them including CIA and KGB. The organization died few years back. Now they have resurrected but this time they have become autonomous. The only way to stop them is, if Brandon and Vassily can work together and without knowledge of their respective governments. 

Will the arch enemies work together? Why would they do so? What is Matarese Circle planning? What is the end game? Who is the Shepherd Boy? What’s the legend of Baron of Matarese?

Brandon is the best of America and when Vassily approaches, he sees a trap. They hate each other. They respect each other. They know there is no one like them. So when eventually they come together, they are a formidable team. But they are fighting with a thousands headed hydra with seemingly unlimited resources and the world for taking.

The story is interesting and intense. The story of Baron of Matarese is not very credible, but works for the overall story. The rivalry between the two protagonists and the compulsion to work together for the greater good is shown very interestingly. Entry of Antonia complicates the matter further. Plot of the Senator to become President is very good. The climax, however, is a little too fast and little too easy.

This book was written years ago, before the mobile era. However it’s still interesting and makes you sit on the edge of your seat. Credit to author.

A sequel to this book is published.

Why did I read this book? Author. 
What did I like? Plot
What I didn't like? Easy end.

Recommend reading.

Death benefit by Robin Cook

"Death benefit" by Robin Cook - Start of medical thriller series !

This book is published by Pan Macmillan India in 2019 and has 502 pages. This is Book 1 of Pia Grazdani series. 

Pia Grazdani is a third year medical student. Brilliant, exceptionally gorgeous. She has difficult childhood. She is assisting a difficult professor with stem cell research. Edmond and Russell’s company buys life insurance policies from patients. Jerry Trotter and Higgins run a hedge fund that doesn’t always play by the books. Another hedge fund manager is predicting a big fall and is shorting.

What will Dr. Rothman’s research achieve? What will Edmond do? Who can contain fiery Pia? What is the Albanian connection? Why are there murders and why do they look natural?

Pia is brilliant, beautiful but aloof. Her difficult childhood from one foster care to another and abuse have scarred her. George is her only friend. He is handsome and studies with her. He has feelings for Pia, but she doesn’t have feelings for anyone. Edmond and Russell are hard nosed businessmen, here to make money. Dr. Rothman is a Nobel winning researcher nobody likes but everyone tolerates because of his brilliance. Dr. Yamamoto is his assistant and the one who smooths the ruffled feathers. 

The novel is centered around Pia. This is the first of the series of Pia Grazdani novels. She is someone who you can’t help liking despite her numerous flaws. You also feel for George who can get any girl but has eyes only for Pia.

The idea of the murders is borrowed from a real life murder of an ex KGB spy in London. It’s not original. But the Albanian connection makes the matter interesting. It also makes Pia vulnerable. 

End of the book is a little bit anticlimactic and abrupt. It doesn’t take the graph to the pique. 

It’s a good start. Hopefully subsequent books are to the expectations. 

Why did I read this book? Medical thriller. New series. 
What I didn't like? Abrupt end. 
What did I like? Pia.

Recommend reading.