Saturday 6 May 2023

The understudy by BA Paris, Holly Brown, C Mackintosh and Sophie Hannah

"The understudy" by BA Paris, Holly Brown, C Mackintosh and Sophie Hannah - A slow burn!

This book is published by Hodder paperbacks  in 2019 and has 352 pages. 

Jess, Bel, Ruby, Sadie are best friends and are studying in Orla Flynn academy of performing arts, a very competitive school. Previous year Ruby has tried to bully Jess. Ruby repented. The principal Adam Rakie has let her off easily. A new girl Imogen Curwood joins them. Weird things start to happen from the day she arrives. 

Who is behind weird things? Imogen? Ruby? Someone else? Why?

There was an issue between Jess and Ruby last year but now it’s resolved and the four girls are best friends. Mother of the four girls are also friends but not close friends. Arrival of Imogene changes the group dynamics. It creates a rift in the group. 

Elise Bond, mother of Sadie, is a scientist and has open marriage with husband Nick. Bronnie Richardson, mother of Bel, works at the academy as non teaching staff. Kendall Donovan, mother of Ruby, has relocated from America to UK for her daughter, leaving her husband behind. Caroline, mother of Jess, is a law professor and is writing her dream musical. 

When the strange incidences start to happen, the mothers try to get to the truth. But it’s not easy. One, they are all girls. Two, they are teenagers (17 year olds). Three, they are all actresses. So, it’s difficult to determine what’s true and what’s not. 

To add to the mix, every mother has a secret of her own. The group dynamics of girls and mothers is complex. Everyone has a secret. Everyone hides something from others. No body is fully transparent. The question is, whose secret is relevant to the mystery? The story is slow. It’s not ‘happening’. But it manages to keep the readers interested. It’s a slow burn!

This is an interesting book because it’s authored by four authors. The story is narrated by four mothers and each author writes for one of them. Clair Macintosh writes as Elise. Holly Brown writes as Kendall. Sophie Hannah writes as Caroline. BA Paris writes as Bronnie.

The book ends, not the story. There will definitely be a sequel. Authors have not only dropped a hint about it, they have almost indirectly confirmed it by watering the seed of next story.

This book is called Season 1 and the book is divided into episodes, not chapters. Another strong hint of sequel or even a series. 

Addition to the collection of my interesting sentences:
“It’s good when your kids shit all over you, it means you have a strong bond.”

Why did I read this book? Concept of four authors. 
What I didn't like? Pace. Stretched end. 
What did I like? Intrigue. 

Recommend reading.

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