Saturday 6 May 2023

The 6:20 man by David Baldacci

​“The 6:20 man" by David Baldacci- Weak seed! 

This book is published by Macmillan in 2022 and has 432 pages.

Travis Devine, ex military and special forces, leaves military, does his MBA and is now working as financial analyst in a firm. He takes 6:20 train to work every day. On the train he sees a palace and in it, over a period, he sees a beautiful woman sometimes skinny dipping sometimes wearing various dresses, a bandaged man, owner of his firm etc. A mysterious message tells him that Sarah Huges, who worked in the same firm is dead. A mysterious person tries to intimidate and recruit Divine. Another murder. Two more. 

Why did Devine leave army? Why does he choose a career in the world of finance, that he doesn’t like? What does he see on 6:20 train? Who is the mysterious man? Why is Devine the targeted one and the chosen one? Whodunit?

Devine shares a house with three others. Each has his/her own room. Will Valentine-a Russian white hatter, Helen Spears-the about to be lawyer and Jill Tapshaw who runs a dating website. Emerson Campbell, a former two star general recruits him. Brad Cowl, Uber successful business tycoon who created everything from nothing, is the owner of the firm he works for. Then there is the mysterious beautiful lady Michelle Montgomery. She’s girlfriend of Brad Cowl. Travis Devine has rebelled against family and joined army. But then exited army to join financial world that he hates. He is well built, handsome, compassionate, supreme fighter. Well almost all the virtues. The character is likable.

The story has a good build up. Apparently random things come together. There is a background story of Devine. A conspiracy is afoot. Needle of doubt traverses almost all characters at some point in time. Almost, not all. Author also manages to hide the identity of the perpetrator. The least doubted theory applies. But the revelation is a bit anti climactic. Book ends with a strong hint of sequel because the murder mystery is solved but not the conspiracy. 

Lack of security cameras at one of the premier financial firms and lack of basic security is perplexing and unconvincing. One person achieves what all government agencies couldn’t. Unbelievable!

Exit of the villain is very abrupt. It’s as if the author suddenly got bored with the character and decided to toss him out of the window and started looking for a better villain, probably for next book. 

Why did I read this book? Author.
What I didn't like? Weak seed. Story is based on something Devine sees when the train stops at the signal for few seconds. 
What did I like? Character of Devine and Michelle.  

OK to read. 

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