Saturday 3 September 2022

Unseen battle behind Ukraine Russia war by Dr. Rahul Yadav

"Unseen battle behind Ukraine Russia war" by Dr. Rahul Yadav - A worthy read!

This book was published by Evincepub publishing  in 2022 and has 73 pages. 

War is a multilayered, multifactorial complex event. It defies prediction. It needs understanding. Author states that this small book has been written to shift our focus from tanks and missiles to human factor. 

Author approaches the subject in a comprehensive but precise way. He sees the war as a culmination of historical events and collective memory combined with economic and geopolitical factors. He covers trade, history, religion, intelligence, water and minerals; factors leading to the war. 

There is an ancient trade route from Gulf of Finland to Constantinople. Whoever controlled the choke points on this route controlled it. This includes two lakes, seven rivers, three land routes. Rus king Oleg attacked Kiev in 882 AD and captured it to keep this trade route under control. The word Ukraine means frontier. Historically  Russians don’t recognize Ukraine as independent country. 

What are the new strategic choke points? It’s Dollar and Arms for America. Oil & gas and Arms for Russia, Devaluation and Debt trap for China. Global emphasis on green energy and countries like India aiming to become self reliant (aatmanirbhar Bharat) for defense equipment needs means Russia is losing both choke points. Electric vehicles require Lithium batteries. Ukraine has worlds largest Lithium deposits in Central Ukraine and Mariupol. Russia has captured Mariupol. Russia has also destroyed Ukrainian defense industry that was directly competing with Russian defense industry. 

In 2019, Ukraine declared creation of independent Church of Ukraine. Earlier Ukraine was under Russian church for 335 years. It's also a war of Catholic / Protestant west Vs Orthodox east.

Ukrainian nationalists supported Germany in WW I.
After Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, Ukraine cut their water. Ukraine lost all sympathy from Crimea with that. Fearing close down of coal mines, if Ukraine joined EU, separatist movements started in the Mining area of Donbas. Residents of Donbas have divided loyalties. 

It’s a small book but author does well in covering all aspects. The English has areas of improvement but one can ignore that for the content. Eventually every war is for the economic power and this one isn’t an exception. Author has provided illustrative maps to explain his point. 

Author ends the book on an optimistic note by suggesting that Russia joins EU, thus making NATO irrelevant, creating a unified world currency and hoping for a clean, green, equitable world. 

There is wealth of knowledge in this small book. It’s a quick read but worth the time spent. Reader doesn’t feel the book to be too small or too long. It’s just right. Author must have displayed a lot of restraint to not increase the number of pages. 

Why did I read this book? Subject. 
What did I like? Information. 
What I didn't like? English. 

A must read. 

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