Wednesday 28 September 2022

Eleventh commandment by Jeffrey Archer

"The Eleventh commandment" by Jeffrey Archer - A good thriller!

This book is published by Pan in 2010 and has 352 pages. 

CIA Agent Connor Fitzgerald assassinates a drug cartel boss who is running for the post of President of Columbia. It’s rumored that successive Presidents of USA, including incumbent President Tom Lawrence, wanted CIA Director Helen Dexter out of her job, but no one has succeeded so far. Lawrence hatches a plot with his Chief of staff Andy Lloyd that will see ouster of Helen Dexter. Helen has her own agenda and devious plan of sending Connor to Russia to save her skin. Caught between rock and a hard place is Connor. 

Why does Helen send Connor to Russia? What is the price of returning from Russia? Who can help Connor? Will Fitzgerald violet eleventh commandment? What is eleventh commandment?

Connor is a family man. His wife, Maggie, knows he works for CIA as NOC but doesn’t know any further. Maggie is Dean of Admissions at university. She is a very balanced person. They are both dedicated to each other. Their daughter Tara is doing Ph D and has an Australian boyfriend, Stuart. Chris Jackson is former Dy Director of CIA, friend of Connor and has a score to settle with Helen. 

The story starts well. It’s interesting. There is a shock midway through the book. Connor has a lot riding on his shoulders. He has nowhere to go. Whichever side wins, Connor is going to lose. Whichever side wins, it’s bad for international politics. Snatch Operation of Connor’s family is very intelligent and good. The story reaches the peak but the final climax is not as exciting as the readers expect. 

So what is the eleventh commandment? Thou shall not get caught. But if you are, deny absolutely that you have anything to do with CIA. Don’t worry, the company will always take care of you. Except in this case the last part doesn’t come true. 

Why did I read this book? Author.
What did I like? Interesting story 
What I didn't like? Climax. 

Recommend reading. 

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