Sunday 13 May 2018

The kafir project by Lee Burvine

"The kafir project" by Lee Burvine - Time travel? No! 
This book is published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform in 2016 and has 362 pages.

Eccentric and brilliant scientist Fisher, who is believed to have died previous day, asks science communicator, Gavin Reese, to meet him. Fisher is killed during the meeting. Gavin becomes the next target. He gets help of a beautiful special agent and her friend. Two assassins are on his trail. 

What was Fisher working on? Who killed him? Why did he contact Gavin? What's in the research that someone wants to bury it?

The book starts with a bang. Meeting between Reese and presumably dead Fisher. Murder of Fisher. He wanted to tell something to Reese but couldn't. Reese's escape. 

It's a sci-fi. The idea is that a technology is developed for time viewing, not Time travel. The question is how to use the technology? For the good of people? Countering the bad elements? Undermining a religion? Making the technology open? Keeping it ultra secret?

The idea is to challenge the historicity of a particular religion with the help of time viewing and bending space- time. The  objective is to obtain the old Syriac Arabic Lectionary of one religion to undermine the fundamental beliefs of another religion. It is based on a controversy / conspiracy in past. However, does it stop there? If one religion can be undermined, so can the other. In fact all the Abrahamic religions are threatened in this book. Weather it is correct or not and whether the veracity or lack of it makes any difference to the belief of common man is another matter. 

The story is fast paced and does not have any slack. Reese, Dany and Morgan are stalked by not one but two assassins. So it's a roller coaster ride all along. Something is happening all the time and the protagonists survive by virtue of quick thinking, intelligence and luck. 

However, with the pace and build up I expected the climax to be a crescendo. That does not happen. Action towards the end is good. But when the action is over, the revelation is tepid. 

It's a classic case of Science Vs Religion, or rather, science to invalidate religion. But is it that simple? Is it possible to rewrite religious history and challenge faith of billions. Is it possible to prove certain things of a religion because eventually religion is a set of beliefs. One  simply believes in them  that's why it's called FAITH. 

Lee Burvine is author's anonymous pen name. Like J. K. Rowling a.k.a. Robert Galbraith, we may come to know the real name of this author sometime in future. This is author's debut novel. 

Why did I read this book?  Good rating by Goodreads and Audible. 
What I didn't like? Tepid revelation.   
What did I like?  Plot and delivery.

Recommend reading.

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