Tuesday 1 May 2018

Life is worth losing" by George Carlin

"Life is worth losing" by George Carlin -  Extreme sarcasm.
This is his 18th album. 

It contains about twelve items. Some short, Some not so short.

A modern man: The book starts with a staccato burst of 'I am...' that includes all the idiosyncrasies of Life. 

Three little words: He talks about three indecent words. Pussy fart, Dingle berries, corn hole
The suicide guy: He has a lot to say about suicide. Here he ridicules suicide and people who commit suicide. 

Extreme human behaviour: He then targets murder, assassination, genocide, torture,, human sacrifice, necrophilia, beheadings etc.

The all suicide channel: He proposes a 24 hours suicide channel and claims that there will be a competition to watch and participate. 

Dumb Americans: How all the Americans are dumb but these dumb people vote. America had turned from a beautiful country to a shopping mall. He had some scathing criticism about over eating fat Americans and how they manage their bodily functions. Consumption is the new national pass time, he says. Big businesses own the country through lobbyists and politicians and they are in power but nobody cares. 

Pyramid of the hopeless: He had visualized the pyramid of hopeless. It has Homeless at the base, Prisoners and anti-social elements above them, those who claim to be depressed (real or imaginary) above them, truly sick and terminally ill at the top. This pyramid is required for success of all suicide channel. 

Autoerotic asphyxia: Kids die due to cutting off oxygen to brain at the time of orgasm. 

There are short passages about The save a pussy foundation and Yeast infection.

Coast-to- coast emergency: Human  continuously tries to destroy nature. Natural disasters are bound to happen. He paints a bleak picture of a 5 year continuous rains resulting in cut throat competition for survival. He also takes a dig at George Bush. 

This entire album is exaggeration, using the superlative degree to create humour. He  touches semi decent as well as indecent. He had stinging criticism for everything and humanity. He does not hesitate to call a spade a spade and  comments on dark truths of modern culture.

However, while doing this some times he makes a few profound statements. 
1. We are semi civilized beasts with baseball caps and guns. 
2. Cut off electricity and we will be back to dark ages. All the base instincts will come out and we will turn savages. 

Some of the content is indecent and should not be enjoyed with family and kids. This book is full of extreme sarcasm and dark humour.

In short, it's excessive, extreme, exaggerated but rings a bell. 

Why did I read this book? George Carlin 
What I didn't like?  Indecency. 
What did I like?  Profound statements.   

Read if you looked the review.

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