Thursday 31 March 2016

The twelfth Imam by Joel C. Rosenberg

"The twelfth Imam" by Joel C. Rosenberg. This book is published by Jaico publishing house in 2013 and has 500 pages.

David Shirazi is a American Shia Muslim and becomes a CIA agent to capture of kill Osama Bin Laden. He is reassigned to Iran to prevent Iran going nuclear. Iran and Shia world is awaiting appearance of twelfth Imam as per the prophecy.

It's David happy to be reassigned to Iran? Will Iran go nuclear? Will twelfth Imam appear? Will Jesus appear? Will there be a showdown between them? Can CIA prevent Iran going nuclear?

This book is about the legend of Twelfth Imam from Shia eschatology. Imam's appearance in modern times while Iran nurses nuclear ambitions is a potent recipe.

Author has written a book with off the track thinking. This is neither a pure thriller not pure mythological. It does not oppose legend of twelfth Imam nor does it support it. It looks at one particular religion with tinted glasses.

Characterization is OK, but a number of questions remain unanswered. Why father of David's lady love breaks contact? Why David's boss does not believe him? How come he gets so close to Iranian authorities so easily? Etc.

Strange things happen in this book. The twelfth Imam makes an appearance, Jesus Christ makes an appearance, both try to convince that their religion is better, God speaks to man.

However the book ends upon public appearance of the twelfth Imam. What happens next and what happens to Iranian nuclear war heads remains unknown. Probably it will be in a sequel. But author does not tell the readers that this is first part of sequel.

The book is different from regular thrillers. But it's inconclusive. Give it a miss.

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