Monday 28 March 2016

Menaka's choice by Kavita Kane

"Menaka's choice" by Kavita Kane. This book is published by Rupa Publications in 2016 and has 290 pages. This is Kavita's third book.

As the title suggests, this is the story of Menaka, the most beautiful celestial Apsara. An Apsara who dares to live and dares to marry against the law.

Indra feels very territorial about Menaka but she is in love with Vishwa Vasu, King of Gandharva's. He curses him to become Kabandh, a demon, and banishes him to earth on a flimsy pretext. Menaka is incensed and distraught but helpless. The tussel between Indra and Menaka is the main stay of first half and her torrid romance with Vishwamitra and then her choice forms second half of the book.

Author has tried to bring forth the plight of Apsaras, who were created to entice, seduce, dance and entertain in short creatures of pleasure. They were not supposed to develop feelings for anyone. Neither marriage nor children were for them. So despite living in heaven they lived a cursed life.

Menaka is most beautiful of the Apsaras, she is intelligent, quick thinker, confident and knows her craft very well. Despite being part of Indra's court she does not subjugate herself. She is feisty, fiercely loyal and ready to go to any length for her love and loved ones.

When Indra comes to take Menaka away from Vishwamitra, her arguments and subtle prodding and inciting fear in Indra to drive him towards decision she wanted is the high point of this book.

Author purports the theory that Menaka left Vishwamitra on her own accord, not because Shakuntala was born or because she wanted to return to heaven but because she felt guilty that Vishwamitra deviated from his goal of becoming Brahmarshi because of love and lust for her. She loved him so much that she let him go. It was a choice she made.

Since it's the story of Menaka, the most beautiful seductress, it has to be erotic. And so it is. But the romantic scenes are not vulgar.

Special mention should go to the book cover where a sensuous bare back Menaka is shown from behind.

Although this book is good, it is not as good as the two previous books of this author.

Recommend reading.

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