Thursday 5 February 2015

Saving Faith by David Baldacci

"Saving Faith" by David Baldacci. This book is published by Pan Books in 2003 and has 453 pages.

Saving Faith is an interesting name. And it's neither about philosophy nor about spirituality. It's a thriller and 'Faith' is name of the female protagonist.

Danny Buchanan is a lobbyist in Washington DC. Over a period of time he develops empathy towards poor children in Africa and starts to use his money for them and use his lobbying to get grants for Africa. Being a lobbyist he regularly bribes lawmakers. Faith Lockhart is his partner and is like a daughter to Danny. Faith decides to expose Danny to FBI. Someone tries to kill her but she is saved by Lee Adams, a private detective, by chance.

Why does Faith go to FBI?  Why does she betray Danny, who is like a father? Who tries to kill her? How does Lee happen to be there? Why CIA is involved? Can they save Faith? How long?

The book is gripping. Although it's a thriller, it's not action packed. The story takes place in America circa 2003. The book contains corruption, good cops, good and bad politicians, traitors, chases, love, deceptions, betrayal and solidarity

Can a person in America hide from FBI & CIA at the same time? Looks impossible isn't it? Read the book to know more.

It is surprising to read that the secret audio and video recording was done on tapes rather than hard disks and that it was done locally and not remotely. Sophisticated agencies would not be using that in 2003.

The trick used by the protagonists towards end to win the final battle seems relatively elementary. One wonders why the villain can not foresee it.

Narration is decent. One does not sit on the edge of his chair but does not get bored either. Character of Danny is a unique one and everyone would like to meet such a man in real life. But does such a man exist?

A good book. Read if you have time.

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