Sunday 15 February 2015

Mahabharata Quest - The Alexander secret by Christopher C. Doyle

"Mahabharata Quest - The Alexander secret" by Christopher C. Doyle. This book is published by Westland Ltd. in 2014 and has 355 pages. This is Christopher's second book.

Vijay, Colin, Imran and Radha (who featured in the previous book Mahabharata Secret) are drawn into a new mystery. A medical facility conducting unauthorized trials on patients is discovered near Delhi. An ancient Greek tomb is excavated in Greece. Directors of excavation try to kill all involved, but a lady archeologist survives and reaches India to join hands with Vijay and team.

In 391 AD Alexander the great decides to conquer Persia. After his victory he decided to invade India. Troupes are told that Sindhu river is the end of the world and they will conquer the world. But Alexander has a mission, a secret quest.

Are the unauthorized trials and excavation in Greece related? What is Alexander's quest? What is it's relation to Hindu mythology in general & Mahabharata in particular? What is the objective of the organization known as 'The Order'? What is Alexander's secret?

Since the last book by author was a very good book, one can not help but compare the two. I think this book is not as good as the previous one. Some of the tricks and ideas from previous book are used here again. The clues that people could not decipher for 2400 years are deciphered by Vijay and team easily.

The story keeps you interested but does not entice you. Pace of the story is on a slower side. Narration is good with lots of medical, geographical & mythological details. It shows efforts and research that has gone into making of the novel.

The story has all the ingredients to make it interesting. It has ancient riddles, kidnappings, lost documents, an ancient secret order, cavern full of snakes, bacteria and viruses, cave with two openings etc.

The book ends without conclusion of the story. At the end of book, there is author's note saying this is the first book of the series. I felt cheated. It is unfair of author to declare this after reader had read 348 pages. The book cover does not say that it is first of the series. Whether to read a series or not should be the decision of reader, not author. Unfair !!!!

Avoid; because, dear reader, author has deceived you.

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