Friday, 31 January 2025

Night Shift by Robin Cook

 "Night Shift" by Robin Cook - Medical thriller! 

This book is published by Macmillan in 2022 and has 352 pages. This is Book 13 of Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery series. 
Su Pasero, internal medicine doctor at Manhattan memorial hospital, is murdered in her car in the hospital parking. Her death is termed as heart attack and body sent for autopsy. John Stapleton (Jack) is the medical examiner. He and his wife Laurie Montgomery, who heads the office of medical examiners, know Sue well. Jack can't find the cause of death. Jack being Jack, starts to investigate. His overtures are considered nosiness by the hospital and he is kicked out. But Jack is relentless.

Who killed Sue? Why? Can Jack go to the bottom of it? Can he identify the killer? Will the killer be apprehended?

Jack is a pain in the neck for several persons, at times, including his wife. But his zeal for finding the truth doesn't let him rest and he doesn't mind putting himself in danger. Laurie has to look after a big organization. She has to handle politics, finances and run the organization. She also has to deal with Jack. Saldano is their mutual friend and detective. He keeps reminding Jack that he is a ME, not an investigator.

It's a happening story. Readers remain interested. The climax of the book could have been more exciting but isn't.

It's a good change where the protagonist is a ME and doesn't possess any super skills in investigation but is relentless. 
Although, this is 13th book of the series, it's the first one I read.

Why did I read this book? Author.
What did I like? Something different.
What I didn't like? Not so exciting climax.

Read if you plan to read the series.

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