Sunday 15 September 2024

The Architect’s apprentice by Elif Shafak

 "The Architect’s apprentice" by Elif Shafak - Stretched end!

This book is published by Penguin Books  in 2015 and has 464 pages.

Jehan is an elephant tamer. He arrives in Turkie with a white elephant gifted by Shah of India to Sultan of Turkie. Here he is selected by Master Sinan (Chief Royal architect) as his apprentice along with three others. The story takes us from his arrival to almost end of his life.

What does he experience? How does he survive Palace politics? What secret is he hiding? What friends does he make? What enemies does he make? Will he be known for his art or for his elephant?

The story takes place in 16th century Turkie. Jehan is a child when he arrives and goes on to live beyond age of 90. But his life is full of intrigue, plots, suspense and mystery. His love for the elephant and his master is exemplary. He is a normal man, not a hero. He has friends but he is alone. He loves someone he can never marry. Despite a full life, it’s empty. Since the story happens in 16th century, the pace is slow. But author keeps readers interested.

The end, however, is stretched unnecessarily. This extension turns counterproductive and spoils the taste of novel. 

Why did I read this book? Author. 
What I didn't like? Pace. Stretched end. 
What did I like? Overall story. 

Read if you don’t mind slow novel.

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