Saturday 27 July 2024

Matarese Countdown by Robert Ludlum

"Matarese Countdown" by Robert Ludlum - The sequel!

This book is published by Orion in 2010 and has 592 pages. This is sequel of Matarese Circle. 

25 years have passed from the heroics of Brandon, Vassily and Toni. Brandon and Toni are living on a far away island peacefully. That’s when the American intelligence picks up clues of Matarese resurrection. The only person who can counter them is Brandon. So they send their best, Cameron Price, to convince him. Brandon agrees on his own terms. They are joined by Lt. Colonel Leslie Montrose.

Can’t Brandon stop Matarese? Can Matarese be stopped? This time are they even better prepared? How will the things unfold?

In first book Brandon and Vassily were clear protagonists. This story doesn’t have a clear protagonists. Cameron and the Leslie are one team. They do the leg work. Brandon and CIA’s director of operations is another team that has to handle the command. But Brandon can’t stay out of the action.

Brandon’s character is shown as an adult child. An adamant oldie. He calls the CIA boss Squinty. Childish. It’s completely out of sync with his character in previous book. As if the two books are written by different authors. 

The Matarese is resurrected for this book. One character from previous book and one new character make the Matarese. They have a big plan to bring the world economy to its knees. But Brandon is here to foil it.

Why did I read this book? Author.
What did I like? Not uninteresting.  
What I didn't like? Brandon’s character. No clear protagonists.

Read if you  want to continue the story, otherwise give it a miss.

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