Sunday 30 October 2022

Happy birthday by Danielle Steele

"Happy birthday" by Danielle Steele - Feel good!

This book is published by Corgi in 2012 and has 416 pages. 

Valerie Wayett is 60. She is a wedding planner, TV Show host and a celebrity. Her daughter April is 30. She runs a restaurant. Jack Adams is a former NFL superstar and now a famous TV sportscaster. He is 50. They were all born on the same day albeit different years. Valerie and Jack dread to acknowledge their age. Mike is 34. He is a snobbish food critique. 

What happens on their birthday? Do their paths cross? How will it impact their lives?

Valerie although 60, looks at least 10 years younger thanks to her healthy lifestyle and plastic surgeon. She is refinement personified. There is no man in her life. On her sixtieth birthday a radio show host announces her true age. Valerie is distraught. Jack Adams is 50 but looks much younger and has a very active sex life with girl’s half his age or less. He is a football legend. His age is also announced on radio. He too is upset. April, Valerie’s daughter, is least bothered about her looks, despite being beautiful. She never applies makeup. There is no man in her life too. She runs a restaurant and is a workaholic. On her birthday she comes to know that she is pregnant. Result of a one night stand and birth control malfunction. She is fully busy with restaurant and can’t really afford to give time to the baby. Mike Steinmann gives April a lousy review. He is also father of April’s baby but doesn’t want any kids owing to parents who are always drunk and a brother who committed suicide. 

There is a crisis in the lives of all four of them. The crisis brings upheaval. The references and contexts change. The priorities undergo drastic transformation. It’s epiphany. 

The story is simple, like most of DS books. You know how it will end after reading first few chapters. Although it’s a feel good story, lack of twists or surprises makes it very predictable. But it’s still enjoyable. 

The strong point of this book is the characterization. They are very well thought. Their personality traits are adorable. Readers can relate to the characters.  You can’t help loving them, especially April: the non pretentious, lovely, workaholic, girl next door. 

As April runs a restaurant, there are a lot of scenes at the restaurant. You get to know names of a lot of American and European dishes. 

Title of the book is Happy Birthday. However, apart from the fact that three characters share the birthday and the story starts with their birthday, it has nothing to do with the story. 

Why did I read this book? Author. 
What I didn't like? Predictability. 
What did I like? Characterization. 

Recommend reading if you like feel good genre. 

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