Friday 11 June 2021

Six graves to Munich by Mario Puzo

"Six graves to Munich" by Mario Puzo. This book is published by MacLehose Press in 2010 and has 256 pages.

Michael Rogan, a US intelligence officer, was tortured by 7 German Gestapo in 1945 and shot. But he miraculously survived. Now, 10 years on, there is a plate at the back of his skull. He has always been super intelligent and had eidetic memory. Now he wants to kill them all. 

How will he find the identity of the seven? Why does he want to kill them? For his torture or there is something else? Who is mysterious Rosie? If seven Gestapo tortured him, why six graves?

The story happens around 1955, so a lot of modern techniques and tools are not available to the author. It's a story of revenge. Pure and simple!

The atmosphere of the story is gloomy and dull. In a thriller the most important part is excitement and its anticipation. That is missing in this story. As a result the narration is a bit drab. The 'what next' factor is missing. Things appear too easy. 

This book was written a year before Puzo completed The Godfather (1967-68) and was published under a pseudonym. Only very recently it was brought to light.

This book is definitely not in the league of Godfather or Omerta.

Why did I read this book? Author.
What did I like? Umm..
What I didn't like? Drabness

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