Thursday, 27 May 2021

Operation Dragon Strike by Rahul Badami

"Operation Dragon Strike" by Rahul Badami - Good thriller!
This book was published by Goel Parkshan in Jan 2020 and has 210 pages. This is Book 2 of 'Armaan Ahmed' series. 

Cyber attack on one of the most important database of India. Suspect China. A mission without Arman who is on punishment duty. Submarines. Retaliation. A traitor. A countdown. 

What database was attacked? How can India prove? How can India retaliate? Has Arman lost confidence of General Singh? How will it end?

Like first book, author doesn't waste time for setting up the story and creating the background. Action starts immediately and the plot and background develops as the story unveils. It's becoming a USP of Rahul Badami.

Last book ended with announcement of mission to Urumqui, Xinjiang, China. That's where the story takes off. It takes us to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, China and India. The story has good flow and pace. Readers attention never diverts. The story happens in 72 hours.
Author gives a shock in the last line of the book that creates an anticipation for next book, exactly like he did in first book. Another USP?

Arman and his team Baldev, Roshan, Hitesh are sent on separate missions by  General Vishwajeet Singh. Will they converge?

Character of Arman was rebellious and patriotic in first book. In this book he comes out as rash and patriotic. The relationship between Arman and General Singh deteriorates further in this book and is expected to deteriorate even further in next. 

Like previous book, the are loose ends in this book too. Why Manohar did not track Arman's mobile? How come DIA doesn't know whereabouts of operative who uses DIA plane for transport? Why the security system around the mansion is rudimentary? Why go to this length when goal could have been achieved earlier?

This book does not contain summary of previous book. Author's previous book came in 2017. 4 years is a lot of time for a sequel. Public has a short memory. I had to read my review of previous book to come up to speed. 
The submarine makes in Singapore straits is heart pounding.

All in all Rahul is a promising author and I look forward for the third book of the series. 

Why did I read this book? Previous book was good. 
What I didn't like? Loose ends 
What did I like? Everything else. 

Recommend reading.

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