Sunday 23 June 2019

The funny thing is by Ellen DeGeneres

"The funny thing is" by Ellen DeGeneres - Bits and pieces!
This book is published by Simon & Schuster in 2004 and has 192 pages.

Ellen starts the book with her happiness list that includes being nice to everyone, brushing and flossing teeth, getting quiet time to listen to yourself, do exercise, drink water, you are special, key to life is balance, minimize stress, start thinking positively, don't look in the mirror, work but have play time. She creates a lot of expectation at the beginning of the book with this list. 

Thereon, the book is mish mash of hundreds of her observations, opinions, parody and humor about everything. This book is a collection of random thoughts presented in her unique funny style. She touches various topics. Some social, some profound, some trivial, some absurd and some silly. There are instances when you smile, instances when you are amused but you hardly laugh out loud. Some of the humor is natural but some appears fabricated and even stretched. Her style of narration is dry and flat, so some punches are lost.

What the book lacks is flow. It appears like a patchwork quilt rather than a seamless fabric. As a result, it fails to nail the reader down and allows him to be easily distracted. Some of her exaggerations are excessive and sometimes absurd. 

I had a lot of expectations from this book because of the name of author but, regret to say that, the book falls short on all expectations. 

Ellen is a well known TV personality. At times, while reading the book, she reminded me of George Carlin.

Why did I read this book? Author.     
What I didn't like? Lack of flow. 
What did I like? Some observations. 

 Not a must read. 

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