Monday 24 December 2018

The Fix by David Baldacci

"The Fix" by David Baldacci - Memory man continues!
This book is published by Macmillan in 2017 and has 432 pages. This is Book 3 of Amos Decker series. 

Walter Dabney, a defence contractor,  kills a replacement school treachery in front of Hoover building in day light and then kills himself. Amos Decker witnesses it. FBI team consisting of Amos Decker (The man who doesn't forget anything), Alex Jamison, Milligan, Agent Harper Brown, Melwin Mars and led by Special agent Bogart is on the case.

Why did a defence contractor kill a replacement school teacher? How come this school teacher afford a posh condo? Why did he kill her in front of Hoover building? Can Decker get to the bottom of it?
The story is slow,  sometimes too slow. Even if you miss middle 100 pages or so,  you don't miss much. Author could have made it crispy by doing away with a few pages. 

As the story develops,  the implications become bigger and bigger. The climax is expected to be very exciting but it isn't. It concludes quickly and disappoints. 

This author also uses Russian angle. Russia's ambitions of becoming global power have given a lot of fodder to fiction writers and Russia is now, again, the new enemy number one. 

Decker is special due to an accident that induced Synesthisia (He sees moods as colours) and Hyperthymesia (He doesn't forget anything) but that also made him less social. So despite his brilliance, he is difficult to work with and the team has to bear with him. 

Why did I read this book? Have read 1st and 2nd books.
What I didn't like? Pace.
What did I like? Not much.

Give it a miss.

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