Sunday 9 September 2018

The four patriots by Sumit Agarwal

"The four patriots" by Sumit Agarwal -  Idealistic fiction. 
This  book is published by Rupa publications in 2016 and has 296 pages. 

Naya Bharat party led by Dr. Sabarwal comes to power on promise of good governance, development and eradication of corruption.

Aditya, Varun, Salman and Raghav are his most trusted lieutenants and are called Four Patriots. 
What challenges will they face? What are their backgrounds? Why are they called four patriots? Will they succeed in their mission?

Aditya comes from a business family, Varun leaves his job abroad, Salman leaves his job in India and Raghav is from the family of politicians. These seemingly diverse youth leaders are driven by one thing alone; patriotism.

The story takes us through the early lives of the protagonists and their struggles, difficulties and battles to make India the superpower; that she deserves to be. The challenges include arrest, kidnapping, murder, assassination, public shaming, corruption and what not.

Although the idea is good, author has spent too much time on the lives of the protagonists before they are elected. Although that part is important, too much of it leaves author short of space for the measures taken to improve India. As a result the second part is very fast. It is unheard of that one person holds more than one important portfolio (Defense and Home etc.), but here each of the four patriots holds multiple important portfolios giving the impression that the party lacks talent pool. The changes they achieve in four years are also unprecedented and hence seem idealistic not realistic. 
Thus, although the story is good,  it does not take grip of the reader. It took me almost two months to read this book. 

Author Sumit is an IITan. The list of IIT and IIM graduates venturing in writing keeps getting longer. It also brings quality and variety to literary world. 

Why did I read this book? Blurb. 
What I didn't like? Idealism,  not realism.  
What did I like? Seed. 

Give it a miss. 

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