Wednesday 31 January 2018

Without warning by Joel C. Rosenberg

"Without warning" by Joel C. Rosenberg - strange!
This book is published by  Tyndale House Pub in 2017 and has 567 pages. This is Book 3 of JB Collins series. 

President Harrison Tailor is captured by Abu Khalif, Emir of Islamic Khalifet, but he is rescued with help of War correspondent JB Collins. Collins feels that the President is not being tough enough towards ISIS. America witnesses wide spread terrorist attacks on its  capital and other cities. Family of Collins is attacked. Collins decides to go his own way. 

Why does American President chicken out? Why 'Without warning'? What makes Mossad collaborate? Why take extreme step?

Collins is a recovering alcoholic, divorced, war correspondent for The Times. He is the only westerners who has seen and talked to Abu Khalif. He has tender feelings for a beautiful Israeli spy. When his family is endangered, he is determined. 

The biggest question that begs answer is the behaviour of President. Why is President reluctant to launch man hunt for Abu Khalif? If the terrorist had captured the President of America and threatened to execute him live, it is expected that the country will throw all their might to capture and kill that terrorist. But the President doesn't. Readers never come to know the reason till the end.

Although Collins is the only westerners who has seen and talked to Abu Khalif, What unique thing does he bring to the table for Mossad to make an exception and take him on board? How to take the battery of iPhone out? This and such questions remain open. 

Mohammed Bin Zayed is a character in this book. Here he is head of UAE's secret service. UAE, Jordan and Israel come together to hunt Abu Khalif.

Author had probably realized that the recipe did not come out as good as he wanted and hence introduces a twist at the end to pack a punch. Well it does pack a punch but also raises many questions. Primarily, why the terrorists did not relocate when JB found them?

It's a strange story. Unrealistic!
Why did I read this book? Author. 
What I didn't like? Story. 
What did I like? Umm...

Give it a miss.

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