Saturday 3 December 2016

Devlok by Devdutt Pattanaik

"Devlok" by Devdutt Pattanaik. The book was published by Penguin Books Limited in 2016 and has 256 pages.

In this book author answers a number of questions regarding mythology and religion. 

What are Upanishadas? Who was Ved Vyas? Did Ramayan come first or Mahabharata? Where is Shakti? What is the concept of Trimurti? Why is Krishna blue? Is black inauspicious? Why Shiva has no avatars? Who are Yakshas? Why Brahma is not worshipped? Why Indra is not worshipped? Why do Gods have vahan and what is the significance? What does Gita say? What is Vaastu Shastra? Can human beings marry Gods? What does avatar mean? Are all nakshtras female? Why do we break coconuts in temples? What is the difference between Yagna and Puja? Etc. 

While answering the questions he explains the Hindu mythology, philosophy and religion in the context of society. He explains how religion evolved with the changing times. The two main branches are vairagi and grahastha. Shiva is the vairagi and Vishnu Grihastha, householder. Shaiva, Vaishnav, Shakta and later Ganapatya sects had their own versions. Importance of Karma and owning the consequences of ones actions in this birth, previous birth and next birth. Central theme in religion and mythology is that nothing is permanent. 

He explains the repetitive themes like vairagya, paap punya, rebirth, Sanskriti, Prakriti, symbolism, the eternal cyclicity of everything and metaphors. He emphasizes repeatedly not to take the meaning literally but look at the essence (bhavartha).

Devdutt is India's leading mythologist and author. He has written a number of books on mythology. 

This book is based on his popular TV show with same name on Epic channel. In this adaptation author has maintained the format i. e. Q&A. In my opinion this format is good for a live show with multiple episodes but for a book, it created repetition of certain themes in the same chapter. If author had grouped the material according to theme as prose instead of Q&A, it would have become more powerful.

Nevertheless this book helps in clarifying a number of doubts and enlightens reader about a number of known things. It also provides the philosophical and spiritual aspect of mythology and religion.

The book is titled Devlok but ironically there is not a single question regarding 'Devlok'. Some questions, though, touch parts of Devlok. 

Why did I read this book? Curiosity. Lure of mythology. 
What I didn't like? Q&A format
What did I like? Information, simplicity, philosophy.

A good trove of knowledge for the interested. Recommend reading. 

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