Sunday 4 September 2016

The guardians of Halahala by Shtrujit Nath

"The guardians of Halahala" by Shtrujit Nath.  This book is published by Jaico Publishing in 2015 and has 428 pages. This is Book 1 of Vikramaditya trilogy. 

When Samudramanthan was done Halahala emerged. It started killing Devas and Asuras. Mahadev consumed it and saved everyone. But an Asura managed to steal some and seal it in the hilt of a dagger. King Vikramaditya performs Rajasuya yagnya and becomes Samrat. Shakas and Hunas are regrouping again against Avanti. There is trouble from all four directions simultaneously. 

Can Vikramaditya defend Sindhuvarta? Who is the guardian of Halahala? Why does it need to be guarded? Who wants it? Why?

Some say Vikramaditya and his council of nine is a legend. Some say it is part fact part fiction. Some say Vikramaditya was a title and not a name. Whatever it was, here author presents a mythological fiction where Devas, Humans and Rakshasas exist at the same time. They communicate and encounter. Inevitably humans are caught between the fight between Devas and Rakshasas.

Shatrujit has woven a good tale using the mythology and legend. Characters of Righteous Vikramaditya, selfless Vararuchi, Powerful Amarsimha, Best friend Kalidas, Loyal Shanku, Fierce Kshapanaka, Innovative Varahmihir, Wise Vetal Bhatta, Curer Dhanvantri and Enthusiastic Ghatakarpara are well defined and reader connects with them. There are some unanswered questions that will probably be answered in the remaining two books. 

Humans win three battles. One against Asuras and two against Devas. Rakshasas have a spy in Ujjaini. Indra is livid by defeats of his special forces and wants to unleash a potent species on the humans. That is where the book ends. Book 2 is already released. 

Author has used a number of mythological references like Betal, border world, Halahala, Amravati, Demons etc to build the tale. 

It piques your curiosity by you are not under awe.

Recommend reading if you plan to read the trilogy.

1 comment:

  1. Yes this is the awesome book & it second part is too good.
