Tuesday 3 June 2014

Command authority by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney

"Command authority" by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney . This is the 9th and probably last book in Jack Ryan series (Clancy died in 2013 & this book was published posthumously). It is published in 2013 by Putnam adult and has 752 pages.

Jack Ryan Sr is now president of America. Jack Ryan Jr, is not working at the campus any more. He works as business analyst in London and has changed his appearance slightly so that he is not easily recognized.

New president of Russia harbors imperialistic ambitions and wants to take over former Soviet republics by installing friendly presidents, terrorism, killings and war. Chief of SVR (Russia's internal security agency) is killed in a bomb blast. Ex chief of SVR, and an old friend, comes to meet American president, falls ill, is detected exposed to radiation and dies. SVR and FSB are merged. The new chief is a little known entity.

The name Zeenat, a Russian assassin 25 years ago, comes back. There was only rumor of Zeenat, no proof. Jack Ryan Sr. wants to find out and requests his son, Jack Ryan Jr, to look into it. Jack Jr starts investigation. The answer lies in the past of Jack Sr. Russia attacks Ukraine.

Who is Zeenat? What has he to do with new spy chief of Russia? Why is Jack Ryan Sr. interested in him? What can Jack Ryan Jr. do? What is Russia's ultimate goal? Why is Ukraine attacked? Can America stop the war?

The emotional side of Jack Sr comes to fore. Too many things happen all the time and reader tends to loose focus on the main plot. The book is not exactly written in Tom Clancy style. Either he could not complete final draft before his death or he relied a lot on the co-writer and Mark's writing style has seeped in. This book is not written crisply.

The story is loose. It lacks action. Tom Clancy's signature knowledge and description of weponery is missing. The climax turns out to be anti climax. The book ends sowing seeds of next book. But will there be next book?

Those who have read Jack Ryan series earlier can read it in spare time but if you have not read Jack Ryan series then give it a miss.

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