Saturday 11 January 2014

Draupadi in high heels by Aditi Kotwal.

"Draupadi in high heels" by Aditi Kotwal.

Deeya Panchal, an uber rich young entrepreneur & heiress, is attracted towers handsome Karan Ravi and also likes Arjun Kapur. Who will she choose? Her closest male friend & advisor is Krishna Gopalkrishnan. Does this remind you of something?

Intelligent readers would have smelt the plot by now. This is Mahabharat in modern times. Deeya, at one point, realizes the parallels in her life with that of Draupadi. Draupadi made choices that shaped her destiny and created history.

What choices does Deeya have? Will she marry Arjun Kapur and his brothers? Will she choose Karan? Or would she find someone else? Is there a karmic relation between her and Draupadi? What influence does the modern day equivalents of Bheeshma, Kunti, Drushtadyumna, Dushala and Drupad have on her decision and future? What role does Krish play?

Aditi has a fluent writing style. Since the story runs parallel to Mahabharat, she had to invent little on that front. She has portrayed the character of Deeya with vigor. Today's young independent entrepreneur who is rooted to Indianness, open-minded young lady yet longing for serious relationship is shown beautifully.

She has compensated in writing where the book lacks in story. Experienced readers can guess the end by the time they are half way through. Aditi could have added a lot of twists and turns and could have made the story a lot more complicated, but she has preferred to keep it simple and straight instead of risking entanglement in her own web.

I completed the book in one sitting. Recommend reading.

1 comment:

  1. Got the book after reading your review... finished in one sitting... decent one, though quite predictable! As you said, the author could have added a lot of twists and turns!
