Wednesday 27 November 2013

One amazing thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

"One amazing thing", by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. Chitra is an award winning Indian-American writer. She is better known as author of 'Mistress of spice'.

A number of people are waiting in the Consulate of India, in USA, to get their Indian visa. Uma - a second generation Indian-American, Tariq -  a Muslim Indian-American who has turned towards religion after 9/11, Mrs & Mr Pritchett an aged American couple, Jiang an old Chinese lady (who's forefathers had migrated to India and who has inturn migrated to USA) with her grand daughter Lily and a black American ex army officer Cameron; along with embassy staff of receptionist Malathi and  visa officer Mangalam.

While they are waiting for their turn an earthquake strikes. Outer building collapses trapping them in the visa office. There is no electricity, very limited food, no supplies and no tools. A section of ceiling collapses, there are injuries. Water starts seeping. Minor arguments turn into fist fights. Each person forms opinion about others based on their experience, what they have read and preconceived notions.

The situation appears gloomy and desperate. Hope is waning. This is when Uma comes up with idea of each one telling a story from their life. These seemingly normal looking people have a special and amazing stories to tell. Stories of love, betrayal, anguish,  delusion, stupidity, reconciliation and hope.

What are their stories? Who's story is the best? Does this storytelling bring peace between them? Does some one try to help them? Are they rescued?

Chitra is a very good story teller. All the stories are short and sweet, although initial stories are better than later ones. You remain interested in the book till end as it's not a lengthy book. This was first book of Chitra that I read and I would like to read more of her books.

Good book. Recommend reading.

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