Sunday, 29 December 2024

The prophet and the idiot by Jonas Jonasson

 "The prophet and the idiot” by Jonas Jonasson" - Old rum new bottle!

This book is published by Fourth Estate Ltd.  in 2023 and has 304 pages.   

Johan is an idiot. He grows up with his dominating brother. One day brother sells the house and leaves, leaving only one RV for him. Petra is a school teacher. She has done her calculations and she is convinced that end of the world is 11 days away. She tries to tell everyone but nobody entertains her. The two kindred spirits meet. Both are wronged and bullied since childhood. They decide to do something about it and embark on a trip. 

Where will they go? Can they get the revenge before the world ends? What trip do they take? Who would they meet?

It’s a typical Jonas Jonasson novel. An extraordinary protagonist. A journey. Collecting various characters along the way. Agnes, a 75 year old tech savvy widow. Alicia, President of Condor, an island African country in Indian Ocean. Agnes, Johan, Günther, Herbert Etc. The list goes on. All sort of absurd incidents. World leaders (Yeltsin. Ban Ki Moon. Obama) playing their real life roles. Misunderstanding resulting in greater good. Humor. This novel has it all.

Although author's word play is his strength and absurd his USP, over the years all the books have same formula. It has now become repetitive and monotonous. There is no novelty, no excitement. You can easily predict how the story will go. It's same old rum in new bottle.

Why did I read this book? Author. 
What I didn't like? Repetition. 
What did I like? Word play. 

Give it a miss.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Delhi: City of the blood gates by Vineet Bajpai

 "Delhi: City of the blood gates" by Vineet Bajpai - The conclusion! 

This book is published by Treeshade books in 2023 and has 336 pages. This is Book 3 of Delhi trilogy.

The mulla has tricked Mastaan’s friend Shahbaaz to take Fay and Pat out of Delhi. An army attacks them, hundred times their size. Three English generals (John Nicholson, William Hodson, Theo Metcalf) are coming to Delhi to win it back from the mutineers. The Badshah has asked for three wishes to the half faced Darwish at a terrible price. Delhi is colored with blood. Pujari of the Neeli chatri mandir, Gauri Shankar Shastri, is a mysterious person.

Where is Bandookbaz? Will he fight with or against the mutineers? Can he save Fay? What is the date of Delhi?

It’s the final book of Delhi trilogy. We know the outcome of Revolution of 1857, so it’s not difficult to guess how the story will end. The fight for Delhi has reached its final phase. The fight between Mastaan and Nikhaal Bhagvan is the highlight of the story.

I have read Harappa trilogy of this author and it was very good. So, my expectations from this trilogy was high, but unfortunately this trilogy falls short of expectation. Neither does it spell bind the audience, nor does it have a good flow. It looks like a patch work quilt.

However, author makes an important point. Indraprastha was created by burning the Khandavprastha forest and killing all animals and tribes in it. So, Delhi has a violent history and the violence continues till date.

At the end, author rues the lack of attention to the first revolution for freedom and that we don’t know many heroes other than Mangal Pande and Rani Laxmibai. He also argues that the single most important reason why we lost in 1857 was because the freedom fighters were fighting without a leader, without a guiding light. They were scattered all over India. Agree with author on both counts.

Why I read this book? Author. Have read first two books.
What did I like? The fight with Nikhaal Bhagwan.  
What didn’t like? The Tipu angle.

Give it a miss!

Sunday, 8 December 2024

The hidden Hindu 2 by Akshat Gupta

 "The hidden Hindu 2" by Akshat Gupta - Its not a religious book!

This book is published by Penguinebury  press in 2022 and has 250 pages. This is Book 2 of the trilogy.

Ashwatthama, Kripacharya and Parshuram are trying to penetrate Om's memories that are somehow locked. They find Devdhwaj in the memories. But who is he? Nagendra is on mission to find and steal nine words that will unlock something very potent. Vrishkapi and Milarepa are attacked. Almost half of the words are lost.

Will Milarepa die? Can Vrishkapi survive? Can Nagendra steal all words? What do the words unlock?

It's a combination of mythology and treasure hunt. Nagendra, LSD and Parimal backed by a mysterious figure on one side and Immortals and Om Shastri on other side. Immortals are losing. To add to it the real identity and past of Om is a mystery that doesn't allow immortals to trust son completely. Moreover, immortals are also not completely united.

The story slows down at times but generally keeps the reader interested. Several references from mythology make it interesting, if you know your mythology.

With several words lost, the evil is closer than ever to overcome good. Wait for the last book of trilogy to know what happens.

Why did I read this book? Liked first book.
What did I like? Concept of immortals fighting for good. 
What I didn't like? Pace, at times.

Recommend reading if you have read ebook 1 and intend to read Book 3.