Friday 12 August 2016

The Avatari by Raghu Srinivasan

"The Avatari" by Raghu Srinivasan This book is published by Hachett India in 2014 and has 500  pages.

An oriental visitor tries to contact Colonel Henry Ashton. He is chased by someone and prefers to immolate himself rather than being captured. Ashton receives a letter from Far East seeking his help and reminding him of a promise made long time ago to the Teacher. Shambhala is under threat of discovery.

The expedition begins. But they are not the only interested party.  Who else is involved? Who's help will Ashton enlist? Where is Shambhala? Can they find it? What is in there?

Avatari or Rimpoche is a man who has forsaken nirvana to complete an earthly task. 

The book begins with a bang. Reader's interest is immediately aroused. Although it's an Indian book by an Indian author, most of the story takes place in England, USA, Pakistan, Afganistan, Laos and China. 

It's book that includes quest for a legend. Here the legend is the mythical kingdom of Shambhala which is said to have 'Kalachakra', medicine for long life and immortality, treasure etc. It appears that this is the second most famous legend in Indian fiction after the Ten Unknowns. 

Interest of dying billionaires, Buddhist book of dead, lure of riches, interest by Chinese and USA governments, double crossing, nirvana etc. make the plot thicker. 

According to the book, the legend goes back between 5000 and 8000 years. The story dates back to the time of Kublai Khan, the Mongol king who converted to Buddhism and who also was grand son of Chengiz Khan. Marco Polo, the Italian explorer, was sent by Kublai Khan to find Shambhala on a number of expeditions but was unsuccessful. 

Some of the shortfalls if the story are as follows. Ashton was shot in leg and Duggy lost his leg during previous battle. The expedition involves a lot of mountaineering but author never mentions any difficulty for these two characters. To put a recently defected KGB operative in charge of a covert CIA operation is not only unbelievable but naive. The blast on land destroys the helicopter in air but the protagonist on land remains unscathed. 

The book appears a bit lengthy. Author could have done away with fight with Russians with Afghans completely. Epilogue also appears like an appendage. 

From page 449, suddenly, author has changed narration style. From a third person narrative it suddenly become person centric.

Paper size of book is small (Pocket book), with 500 pages thick, it becomes uncomfortable for holding in hand. 

Read if you have time.

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